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Productivity &
Process Redesign

Productivity is an elusive word for many businesses. Every business wants to be productive but is unsure of what and how to approach the problem statement:


"Can we do more with less? "


In simple terms, productivity is measured by the amount of output received from the amount of input used. However, in between the output and input equation, there is much unproductive “waste” that will contribute to less than expected output. Think of trying to fill a bucket full of water (output), but there are many holes (waste) in the bucket!.


In business, if this unproductive waste is not eliminated, it will lead to profit erosion.

To understand the types of unproductive waste that exist, swipe the slide below.



Unnecessary logistics or poor supply chain can lead to extra expenses for making multiple deliveries.

This program is most suitable for

Addressing Output Decline

Addressing Output Decline

Stop decline in sales profit margin, service or product output

Arresting Runaway Cost

Arresting Runaway Cost

Eliminate waste to improve profit

Maximizing Resources

Maximizing Resources

Maximize the manpower, machine, material

Untangling processes

Untangling processes

Simplify the process workflow

Speeding up Processes

Speeding up Processes

Improve process timings for faster response

Anchor 2

How We Can Help

Watch a presentation on the program.

Anchor 1

Assuming your company is eligible for grants, the consultancy cost alone can be as affordable as below SG$5K or more depending on the number of sites, complexity of business processes and scope of improvement. 

Please use the RFQ page if you wish to have a cost estimate. Select Productivity and Process Redesign.

How much does it cost to use this service?

We always recommend having a roadmap with expected measurable outcomes. The results of the implementation will validate the planned outcomes as well as encourage top management buy-in. Once successful, follow-through with the rest of the roadmap to drive the transformation effort.

How do I know my productivity project is successful?

The required team members are dependent on the scope of improvement. For example, if the scope is limited to materials management, we would recommend the senior management in charge of finance, operations, procurement, and supply chain. 

Let us know the pain points your business is experiencing when you request for an estimate in the RFQ page. We would then be able to advise you on your team involvement and the scope of improvement.

Who should be involved in this program?

Productivity and process redesign programs are evolution projects. It can be as short as a few months to a few years for complete transformation. A detailed road map is therefore necessary. With a road map, you could start with low hanging fruits that provide quick returns within the year.

Enterprise Singapore (ESG) has always been supportive of businesses who are committed to long term transformation. So, funding for your project is supported, whether at pilot phase or large-scale transformation.

How much time is required to complete the program?

There are several key benefits, but the most common we have observed are:

  • Reduced operational cost through elimination of unproductive waste in the process.

  • Improved customer experience by simplifying and speeding up the work processes.

  • Improved output.

  • Improved profitability through cost reduction, resource optimization, and faster process times.

What is the key benefit of this program?

Project FAQs

We are delighted to provide an estimate for you to make an informed decision.

Need A Price Estimate?

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Frequently Asked Questions

This program is suitable for any industry. All businesses whether it is product manufacturing or service-oriented will have two key elements, namely, processes and cost structure. These two elements make it feasible to apply productivity and process redesign principles to optimize the business.

Is this program suitable for non-manufacturing industries?

The first prerequisite is to have a detailed road map for achieving this. Industry 4.0 is capital and skill-intensive. Both require considerable financial stamina. Without a proper road map, your organization may be stuck in the pilot project phase without ever seeing any scalability.

Explore our business strategy road map program. If you do not have a roadmap, but want to find out about current gaps, adoption readiness, or simply want to find out where to prioritize your adoption plans, you may be interested in our Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) Assessment.

My organization wishes to improve productivity by adopting industry 4.0. How should I start?


6-sigma is focused on process flow variation reduction. Variations in the process can lead to unpredictable results or errors. Think of your daily journey to work. If you decide to depart from your usual route, would you expect to arrive at a predictable time? In theory, if the variation becomes smaller towards 6 standard deviations (sigma), the resultant error is statistically calculated at 3.4 errors per million transactions. I say in theory because it takes a tremendous amount of time and resources to analyze and improve each workflow to achieve 6-sigma. There is also a steep learning curve to understand statistical concepts.

This program is about identifying and eliminating unproductive waste streams in the work processes. Unlike 6-sigma, there are no difficult statistics to grasp. It is faster than 6-sigma by prioritizing the low-hanging fruit to be eliminated, thus saving improvement time and cost. The return of investment is shorter compared with 6-sigma.

Is this program like 6-sigma?

General FAQs

Yes, you can. The PSG is a narrow scope solution to bridge a specific gap. Example, PSG for inventory management automation only solves a specific area of inventory management. Like most PSG solutions, it does not offer the full range of enterprise integration.

For EDG, the scope of coverage is much wider than just inventory management. The new capability may include whole of organization integration and functionalities that is outside the PSG scope.

I have applied for Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) for automation. Can I still apply for Enterprise Development Grant for Automation?

There is no cap on the grant amount. The grant supports qualifying costs for

  • Consultancy

  • Automation Equipment / Machinery

  • IT hardware and software

  • Training by software, equipment providers

For more details on the grant, click here.

What is the grant amount?

You should apply for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) for Innovation and Productivity. Please ensure your organization meets the eligibility criteria.

Which government grant should I apply?

You are free to approach consulting firms on your own so long your appointed consultant has the experience and is a registered management consultant under the Consultant Quality Initiative (CQI).

SME Centres/ Trade Associations or Productivity Centres act as an agency to channel your grant application to ESG. There will be some admin fee charges levied by the agency, usually priced in the quotation. Furthermore, ESG has sole discretion to approve grants based on the applicant’s merit and not through connection to the associations or agencies.

Rest assured that our project consultants have a separate domain specialty in productivity in addition to the basic CQI certification. We do not charge any admin fee when you apply through us.

Is it a rule to apply grants only through SME Centres/ Trade Associations or Productivity Centres?

Grant FAQs
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